Data Mapping Builder


Declarative Logical Statements

Statement Rules are the basic type of rules. Many rule platforms only have an equivalent of  AppGlue Statement Rules because this format is the way most business logic is expressed. Statement rules allow rules to be visualized as expressions or if/then statements.

Unlimited Statement Branches

AppGlue statement rules can have as many branches and results as you want. If x, then y, else if z, then a, else if b, then c, … etc. While it may make sense to break these statements into multiple rules or even use a more advanced rule construct like a tree or table rule, there is no limit to how much logic you can put in a statement rule.

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Built on the Expression Builder

Statement rules are built on the AppGlue Expression Builder that allows chaining and combining of any math, string and logic elements to express logic or produce a result. Statement rules can be extended with custom rule elements that are business specific or leverage other services in your environment. This allows parts of a rule to call a service for a value or calculation if needed.
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